Thursday, April 17, 2008

Writing Prompt : April 17, 2008

I disagree with the line "Jobs promote drug use." from the chapter 5 essay "Teenagers in Dreamland". There are so many other things in this world that promote drug use. Television is one of the biggest influences on teens. If you sit down and flip through channels for about an hour you will see at least 5-10 shows that say something about drugs and using them. Companies think making commercials that say how bad drugs are for the body and environment is going to slow the drug intake of teenagers. Another big influence is peer pressure. Other kids can get their classmates to do almost anything if they try hard enough. That what's so scary about kids nowadays. If anything jobs promote responsibility. Some kids might get jobs so they for drugs or other illegal things but other kids get jobs so the can feel more independent or to have money for their cars. This just gives a bad name to any teen that wants to get a job. Teens as a whole group should not be judges together. They should be thought or as the individuals that they are.

1 comment:

Mrs. Lux said...

I agree with what you have to say about jobs and drug use. Contrary to the article we read from the textbook, jobs probably don't contribute to drug use - there are lots of other influences on teens, like those you mentioned.
The English teacher in me begs you to proofread just a bit more closely. I found a few minor grammatical errors. Remember, your public audience will find you more credible if you don't make grammatical mistakes.